The Western Gate

Toing and Froing, Up 'n' Down in the Earth

Writing post (what direction in life?)

Daily writing prompt
What gives you direction in life?

Anything creative. Having gone through the existential misery of wondering what the point of life is and the why’s and wherefore’s I reasoned I would adopt the ‘Orphic’ path, that is, I would appreciate the universe by means of my own creations and express myself in all forms of creative works;- Art, poetry ,music, photography, sculpture, writing, etc, and not now and then, but a continuing path. Flitting between one art form and another stops the ‘writers block’ in that field should it arise. I never want to master any particular path, I have no ambition to be a great writer, a brilliant artist, a fantastic guitarist etc, it’s the process, the moment that I am being creative that is important. It’s not remembering the journey and seeing it as a framed photograph on the wall, or an amusing post on social media, it is the journey, it is the being.
What is my direction, at the crossroads I ignore the sign telling me to go this way or that, and follow the crows.

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