The Western Gate

Toing and Froing, Up 'n' Down in the Earth

Book Review #6 (Sefer Ha Sitra Achra)

Sefer Ha Sitra Achra
Ninth Circle Press

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Ninth circle press are a new publisher, always welcomed, who look to produce quality books of the esoteric and occult nature.
Their first published book-Sefer Ha Sitra Achra.

One wonders if they are to follow the trend of left hand path and alternate crooked path output as seen by publishers such as the, also, new Manus Sinistra, or perhaps follow in the coat tails of Ixaxaar, aeon Sophia and, please no, the God awful Poundland (but expensive) ‘Become a living God’.
The trend seems to be, output at a limited quantity, and a nefarious title dealing with either this ‘demon’ or that, or whatever adverse path one can draw upon be it Liber Falxifer-Santa Muerte or the various “traditional” witchcraft paths of Chumbley, Cochran,Frisvold etc, and ….watch the money roll in, especially after it sells out, as it will if the title’s tempting and the limited edition appeals. Of course, in no way am I suggesting that Chumbley, Cochrane etc chose that path, but the shadows that followed them certainly saw the pound signs.
Of note in this current trend, though lets face it, the devil and its progeny have always fascinated, are the books dedicated to the adverse, inverse, opposite of the Qabalah, be it termed the Qlippoth or the Sitra Achra.
The book of Sitra Achra-by the author “N.A.A.218” who also wrote Liber Falxifer , is much in demand and commands more than a palmful of silver. In its wake, and popularity, came a host of other books dedicated to suchlike.
We arrive therefore at Sefer Ha Sitra Achra by A.D.Mercer who at the outset seeks to delineate the difference between ‘Qlippoth’ and ‘Sitra Achra’. Will we be on common ground, or an altogether more peculiar path?

I managed to secure one of the limited edition of 50, presented, leatherbound and in a slipcase, nicely bound and with authors certificate and signature. Its very nice looking, very nice indeed.
We are introduced to the concept of the difference between the Qlippoth and Sitra Achra at the foreword, though still leaves enough perplexing questions to encourage us to venture forth. It should be noted, of course, that perhaps one is expected have a good grounding in the Qabalah although throughout the book the ideas of the “tree of knowledge”, and of good and evil, are presented. It would be difficult to say how someone who has no previous knowledge or work with the Qabalah would fair as many’s the time a quote referencing the tree of life is given and being as I am familiar do not have to think,or be confused at, whatever idea is being presented. It may well be that such ‘apprentices’ would need to re-read a few times, and there is no shame or frustration in that. I’m still re-reading Dion fortunes Cosmic Doctrine from time to time and still have no idea what she’s going on about.
The author does introduce those who are not familiar with the ideas of Qabalah in the chapter named The Chambers of The Garden of Eden, which perhaps would be better suited to be presented at the beginning of the book.
The author does not ridicule us with rhetoric or pretentious dialogue seeking to impress . The style is readable albeit, as explained a fairly good grounding in the material anyway, would be advantageous though not essential if one is willing to learn, study and possibly cross reference with other sources should the need arise.
The book itself is divided (ahem-no pun intended), Book one dealing with background, history of Qabalah, and therefore the Sitra Achra, and Book Two, having the foundation set deals with accessing the inverse, opposite, upside nature of the Qabalah in terms of Sitra Achra.
Book One certainly is worthy of study, Book Two, I would suggest more bordering on the speculative as we embark on a journey through, descending (or ascending) the various designations of Sitra Achra.
I cannot help but think that people obsessed with role playing games, black metal and the infamy of Crowley devour these books, seeking to stare down any foe and send their soul to oblivion, its the gothic nature, the wonder and mystery, perhaps some escapism that delivers us to an altogether new construct.
It is worthy of a read, though not at the price commanded, perhaps there will be a paperback reprint, but not to worry as the shelves of any occult bookstore will buckle at reference to anything with exotic titles for the curious seeker of the ‘dark side’.
So what is my take on the Qlippoth, or the Sitra Achra? Well it would in itself warrant an explanation perhaps weightier and more concise than any offering on those bending bookshelves?
It would be, as always dynamism, the reflection (Sitra Achra) existing as immediately as the manifest itself arose. All potential therefore emerges from chaos, this unborn potential being Qlippoth, before and therefore opposite. Just as Non-Existence is the opposite of Existence, and yet Annihilation of Existence is a different thing altogether. I could draw parallels with the mind and the self, the inner and the outer. All these things are philosophical, it takes a mind devoid of its own conditioning, receptive yet not waiting to be filled with any substance for the sake of it.

The author ends the book with a bibliography, this is most welcome and in part separates the egos of this path from the scholars and those who wish to share their knowledge.
I am encouraged by this first offering from Ninth Circle Press, will certainly be keeping an eye out for their future works.

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